so we get blam/save points when we vote on an "under judgement" submission. if you vote 2, 3, 4, or 5 on a submission and it gets passed, then you get a point. and if you vote 0 or 1 on a submission and it gets blammed then you also get a point.
my question is, why bother voting 1, 2, 3, or 4? isn't it pointless to do so if we want it to be blammed/passed? if we want it to be blammed, we vote 0 or 1, but if we vote 1, then theres a less chance for it to get blammed. and the same goes for passing a submission.
also, there is no point in actually playing the game or watching it for more than 3 seconds. the only ones that actually get blammed are the ones that are random submissions that have loops of flashing lights intended to give us siezures. almost everything else will be passed anyways, so why bother? we can just see if the art is good then vote.
Shame that even the crappiest of flashes still manage to eke their way past submission now.
i know what you mean