that was really good. your voice is perfect for this animation overvoice thing. i liked it cause it was funny, but it wasnt too random which just kills it. one thing that confsed me a little was when they turned all dark. like the blonde kid. the first time you see him, his skin turns black and i thought he was a demon. the teacher punched the kid through a wall! i thought he was infected and about to transform into a demon or something and they had to fight him! another thing i would work on is the art, like some of their faces were oddly proportioned. hmm. oh, also try to make the blonde kid's voice acting less exaggerated. doesnt seem convincing. especially when you shot him. make a punchline, then cut it off before you kill it.
ANYWAYS, i like this one. not too much senseless violence killing zombies and whatnot. just a good introduction that sets us in the right time.