god i hate summarys
i liked the first one better x_x. the story in this one also got really confusing. especially the point where he turns into a human and meets himself or something. it didnt seem like the golem was that much of a match for kiser. he tore his forearm off with a single blow, only got hit once, mutilated his body with a single missile, and somehow, he can't handle it anymore.
this kind of thing reminds me of myself. its like you thought of a really good idea, then got tired of it, but don't want to scrap it, and are now trying to get rid of it as fast as you can.
the best scene i saw in here was the scene of the golem making his first attack. the one where its really far away and he raises his left arm. everything else was drawn quite poorly compared to the first one.
also didnt like the trackbar!
I would have made him meet the golem and find out its indestructable, then say something like it will never give up, its only targeting me. then kiser manages a fight, puts a few scratches on him, maybe the golem's eye goes out and some slash marks or something. then kiser is badly injured and can't fight anymore. he flees and you continue with the story. in the next episode or whatever, kiser does what he needs to then something happens i dunno doesnt really matter, then the golem appears once again, still focused on its target. blah blah blah maybe he destroys him this time blah blah. im probably making a complete fool out of myself but who cares =/
entertaining though :D