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when i died, i didnt go back to town, i stayed in my body, but when i tried useing a tele potion, it said "your dead arms cant use this." but, i could still walk around. and attack enemies, except, they dont get hurt, or notice me.. :D

glitches, or cheats, whatever XD

on level 36, which i think is the hardest, i skipped the whole bottom part of it by standing on the left of the number 36 on the sign, jump up, and shoot a portal through the little gap. hah! thought you could stop me?! >:D oh yeah, in level 38, the third cube (the one in the middle of the room) sometimes returns to its origin (the middle of the room) when it goes into a portal that leads elsewhere. other than that, nice XD. I got teh cakee! and what was with the sign on the 41st level? it had a boat on it? ._. lol i winned! XD


I couldnt beat the 6th level...i dunno if it was an accident or just me being stupid lol. it was kinda unenjoyable, since for some reason, i couldnt push things north west or south east while walking for a while.

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

it was you being stupid lol. Those blocks had arrows on them, indicating that they could only be pushed one way.

oh oh oh

easy! make them hit the left edge of your trampoline thingermajigger


i dunno how but my stickdude fell and and and i was still alive. and i waited the timer out and no more things fell and i lived :D

not very good.

it was very random. it dropped you into the room without an explanation. not even one of those "what? i just woke up, where am i? no windows? i have to get out" explanations. most of the stuff that you would move in order to find an exit in real life, not that this would happen alot lol, you could not click. the drawers, do not open. at least put like a "theyre locked" or "these are one of those fake drawers." or something. there was a blank wall ._.? i see that its 3d, good job, but next time try not to make it so bright. good luck D:(no offense or sarcasm intented)


there was no time to look at the darkest doors. you have like 2 seconds, so you just guess or something. the second level barely had any explanation. in an instant the instructions were gone. the third level was random. it had no instructions, but i figured it out, but i still didnt like it. what was that thing? i dont get it. and the footprints. most of the areas are too black to figure it out anyways. i didnt really like it. sorry, but im just confused how it got daily 3rd place. in 2001. but i dont mea to be mean. the art was kinda bad too >< especially the game. the end drawing was OK it was too blech for me though. once again, no offense.


it made me mad D: the basement locked itself after i got the clothes for the pig dood.. so i couldnt get down there.

its too hard D: for me

i cant even get passed level one lol, but i dont want people to think that this is just one of those stupid posts where the guy hasnt even played the game and gave it a bad rating, no its ok, i kept running outta fuuel though D:

second level

i couldnt get passed the second level D: i almost did, i got the the alcohol, after 9 tries i might add, then i ran outta time, its probably just me, but i think the times too fast there. oh yeah, the bandage was hard to find, i couldnt figure out what to do...but i did XD

I am a fair commentor and grader, though I may not see the game or movie like you, i have my own opinion. My comment may be rated as useless most of the time, but it follows the guidelines ask of. It has constructive criticism as well as my reasons.

Age 31, Male



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